How To Be Strong and Courageous


Joshua 1-5 Devotion Picture

As young men, we are created by God with a built-in desire to be a leader, and to be both strong and courageous.

God commands every Christian to be strong and courageous.

You might be wondering how someone as young as you could do this. Today we’ll find the answer in Joshua 1:2-9, where God tells Joshua exactly what he needs to do to be both strong and courageous.

Our study starts in Verse 2 of Chapter 1, where we learn Joshua’s mission from God that requires his strength and courage.

Joshua is the new leader of Israel now that Moses has died, and he has to lead the whole country into the Promised Land. To make things even harder, Joshua will have to lead Israel in many battles against the people already living in the Promised Land.

If that doesn’t sound like it requires a lot of strength and courage, I don’t know what does. Obviously God thinks so, because he commands Joshua three times in Verses 6-9 to be “Strong and courageous.”

You might be wondering why you need to have strength and courage. I mean, obviously you aren’t leading whole nations into battle, so how does reading this scripture help or apply to you?

Well, the answer is that living for God every day requires a lot of strength and courage, since we are always going to be tempted to disobey God, and since most people around us will look down on us, laugh at us, or even persecute us as Christians.  Persevering through that, requires a lot of strength and courage.

So how do we, as young men, get this strength and courage?

Where does it come from?

We’ll see the answer, and what you can do every day to continue having the strength and courage to obey God, in Verses 6-9.

God gives Joshua three commands to help him out in Verses 6-9.

Let’s take a look at them:

  • In Verse 7, God tells Joshua to obey His law, and not to turn away from it even a little bit. God promises to bless Joshua if he does this.

    We need to learn to do the same thing, trusting God that obeying Him is best for us, and that He will bless us for it. This does not mean God will give us lots of money or fame, but it does mean that He will bring lots of joy, peace, and spiritual blessings into your life. These blessings are far better than any material blessing we could get.

  • In Verse 8, God tells Joshua to think about His law all the time.

    God once again promises to bless Joshua if he does this. We can learn from this that we need to be reading and thinking about God’s word as much as we can. It’s impossible to obey God if we don’t know what He wants us to do. When we read the Bible, we find out how to obey God best. When we obey God, we will get many spiritual blessings like we talked about earlier.
  • In Verse 9, God tells Joshua to trust Him and not be afraid, because God is always with Him.

    We can learn from this that we can trust God all the time, no matter what. When things are hard and life is tough, you can trust that God will get you through. God always has our best interest in mind, and even when it’s hard to obey God, we can trust that in the end, what God tells us to do is best for us. When you are tempted to do something you know is wrong, trust that obeying God is so much better in the end for you.

So there are 3 things to remember if you want to be a strong, courageous man of God:

1. Read the Bible

2. Obey the Bible

3. Trust God that what He says to do is best, and that He’ll help you through the tough times in life.

If you follow these 3 guidelines, and stay committed, you will be well on your way to being strong and courageous!


Let’s Talk in the Comments Below:

What are you facing today that requires courage?

How is God speaking to you through your study of Joshua 1-5?



  1. James

    Great website!

  2. John

    To be able to be strong and courageous you need to read the Bible of God.

  3. John

    You can get strong and courageous by reading the Bible of God regulary.

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