Welcome back to the Good Morning Guys Study through Luke! I pray your past week of study was beneficial to your growth in your relationship with Christ. This is our final week in the book of Luke. On Friday I’ll post about future plans for the blog.
If you’re new, feel free to jump right in and follow along. Everything you need for this week is below, including this week’s Bible Reading Plan, Reflection Questions, and Verses of the Day. Don’t forget to check back on Wednesday for my weekly blog post.
Here’s This Week’s Bible Reading Plan
Monday: Luke 21
Tuesday: Luke 22
Wednesday: Luke 23
Thursday: Luke 24
The Reflection Questions for the Week
Chapter 21-Monday
Nothing in this world will last forever. We must not depend on the words we hear, the things we read, or the possessions we own to sustain us. It is God’s Word that is powerful and eternal. His words will last forever!
Do you find yourself tempted to substitute the words of this world for the words of God? How can you make God’s Word more of a priority in your life?
Chapter 22-Tuesday
Every time we wake up and forget to talk to Jesus, we have forgotten. Every time we give into temptation and sin, we have forgotten. Every time we become independent of God and live life on our own terms, we have forgotten. Taking communion helps us to remember. We remember Jesus’ broken body and blood spilled our for us.
Have you forgotten or grown numb to the truth of what Jesus did for you on the cross? Take some time right now and remember.
Chapter 23-Wednesday
Jesus knew that those who crucified Him were spiritually blind. They did not know what they were doing. Jesus offered love to His enemies, just as He commands us to love our enemies.
Is there a spiritually blind person in your life who has hurt you and who you need to forgive? This does not mean that you will be reconciled to them, because for reconciliation, repentance is required. However, forgiveness frees you from bitterness and resentment. Who do you need to forgive today?
Chapter 24 -Thursday
Some of the most beautiful words in scripture are these: “He is not here, but has risen.” This is what sets Jesus apart from all other religions in history. You can search every grave but you will not find Him there. Jesus lived a sinless life, and death had no grip on Him. Our God is alive!
Because Jesus is alive, our passions, priorities, plans, and past-times should look different. How has Jesus changed your life?
The Verses of the Day
Monday: Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. -Luke 21:33
Tuesday: He took bread, and when He had given thanks, He broke it and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” -Luke 22:19
Wednesday: And Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” -Luke 23:34
Thursday: He is not here, but has risen. -Luke 24:6
Don’t forget to join me out on Instagram every day for the verse of the day at GuysInTheWord, as well as on our Facebook page!
I’ll see you back here on Wednesday for our weekly blog post.
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