Welcome back to the Good Morning Guys Study through Judges! I’m so glad you’re here and have completed a whole week.
If you’re new, feel free to jump right in and follow along. Everything you need for this week is below, including this week’s Bible Reading Plan, Reflection Questions, and Verses of the Day. Don’t forget to check back on Friday for my weekly blog post.
Here’s This Week’s Bible Reading Plan
Monday – Chapter 6
Tuesday – Chapter 7
Wednesday – Chapter 8
Thursday – Chapter 9
Friday – Chapter 10
The Reflection Questions for the Week
{These questions are included inside the journal . If you do not have the journal, I encourage you to reflect on these questions and answer them in your notebook.}
Chapter 6:
Gideon asked God to show him a sign that God was truly wanting him to go into battle for His people.
Name a time, when you have questioned God. What was His response to you?
Chapter 7:
God can make great things happen even out of the smallest of things. He does this to remind us that He is with us.
How does this bring encouragement to you today and the situations you are facing?
Chapter 8:
Even after all God had done, the people still longed for a leader. Gideon refused, reminding them that God alone was their ruler.
In what ways do you find it hard to let God be the ruler of your life?
Chapter 9:
Abimelech rose up over God’s people using power and influence. Yet, in the end, God caused him to fail. This reminds us that God is always in control.
How does this bring you comfort today?
Chapter 10:
Once again, Israel was overtaken because they had turned their backs on God and instead chose to worship false gods.
Has God ever revealed to you, that you were placing other gods before Him?
The Verses of the Day
Judges 6:23: Peace be to you. Do not fear.
Judges 7:15: As soon as Gideon heard the telling of the dream and its interpretation, he worshiped.
Judges 8:23: Gideon said to them, “I will not rule over you, and my son will not rule over you; the Lord will rule over you.”
Judges 9:10: Come and reign over us.
Judges 10:10: The people of Israel cried out to the Lord, saying, “We have sinned against you, because we have forsaken our God and have served the Baals.”
Don’t forget to join me out on Instagram every morning at GuysInTheWord.
I’ll see you back here this Friday as we wrap-up our week of Bible Study.
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